Advanced Yoga & Ayurveda Teacher Training

300hr Yoga Alliance  certified

Hari OM 300 hour Advanced Yoga and Ayurveda teacher training

is an in-depth program to study the tradition of Yoga and her sister science, Ayurveda.

The teachings are focused on the classical yoga traditions while bringing it into context in modern times. Our goal is to make you a knowledgeable, talented and a truly amazing yoga instructor.

This is a perfect education for certified yoga teachers looking to reach the “next level” of teaching and practicing yoga and meditation, by polishing and acquiring new skills and knowledge about the practice of Yoga and Ayurveda.

Upon completion, you will receive a 300 hour certification from Hari Om School of Yoga and Yoga Alliance. You will also graduate with an Ayurveda Health Coach certificate.

Yoga teacher training Curriculum​

  • Yoga asana (poses) theory and practice

  • Introduction to different schools and styles of yoga

  • Yoga history and lineages

  • Yoga anatomy
  • Pranayama and benefits of breathwork

  • Yoga philosophy and history: Bhagavad-Gita, Yoga Sutras by Patanjali

  • Samkhya philosophy: the foundation of Yoga & Ayurveda

  • Meditation and mindfulness in everyday life, theory and practice

  • Types of Meditation

  • Introduction to Tibetan singing bowl meditation

  • Ayurveda Fundamental principles

  • Introduction to Ayurvedic nutrition

  • The connection between Ayurveda and Yoga

  • Using Ayurveda in Yoga classes and Yoga practice in Ayurvedic healing

  • Ayurvedic consultations

  • Five elements, doshas (bodily constitution) and gunas (modes of nature)

  • Energy centers of the body, Chakras and Bandhas

  • Yoga ethics and the seat of the teacher

  • Yoga entrepreneur, intro to marketing, branding and online presence

  • Teaching practicum, group and private yoga classes

  • Yoga sequencing for specific types of classes

  • Yoga as therapy, injury prevention and management, yoga for athletes

  • Advanced sequencing techniques (based in Vinyasa and Anusara)

  • Introduction into prenatal yoga

  • Vedic sciences: Introduction to Jyotish Vedic astrology

Educational categories


  • Techniques, Training, and Practice 

  • Teaching Methodology 

  • Anatomy & Physiology 

  • Yoga Philosophy/Ethics/Lifestyle 

  • Practicum


  • Ayurveda Fundamentals course

  • Ayurveda specialization course

  • Wellness Entrepreneur

  • Meditation immersion 


* In order to register with Yoga Alliance, your 200hr YTTC has to be YA certified

Why take our Yoga and Ayurveda teacher training?

The aim of this training is to dive deep into the yoga teaching and practice: by understanding the cosmic geometry of your body, the Yantra (machine) which carries you in this world, you will restore your connection to the intelligence that goes beyond the intellect; We call this Mukti or self-realization. This training is rooted in the philosophy of bhakti-yoga and the ancient practice and legacy of Adi-Yogi: Shiva the original Yogi. (The OG) 

Open to all Yogis and teachers of any type of Asana, this training is designed to make you a very proficient and exemplary yoga teacher through the careful study of philosophy, anatomy and verbal instruction.

Beyond yoga, students will be introduced to its sister science, Ayurveda. Ayur stands for life, and Veda for knowledge, therefore Ayurveda represents the ‘science of life’, an ancient medicinal and lifestyle tradition that perfectly complements yoga. The two together form a perfect toolset for a healthy, wholesome lifestyle! Keep the body healthy with yoga asana and Ayurvedic healing and nutrition principles, maintain mental and emotional peace, and find balance with mindfulness lifestyle practices.

Tuition Package

Tuition Only
$ 3750
300-hour Yoga Teacher training
50-hour Ayurveda Specialization
Wellness Entrepreneur course
Hari OM Training Manual
Yoga Alliance Certificate
Daily Yoga and Meditation Class

Tuition + Accomodation

Shared Bungalow
$ 5400
28-night Shared accommodation
1 daily vegan meal
Post-training support
Travel assistance
Early bird discount $200 (60 days prior)
Currently waitlisted

Tuition + Accommodation

Private Room
$ 5950
28-night Private accommodation
Shared Bathroom
2 daily vegan meals
Early bird discount $200 (60 days prior)
Surprise welcome gift

Deluxe Accommodation

Tuition + Private Bungalow
$ 6599
28-night Private Deluxe accommodation
Private Spa Bathroom
2 daily vegan meals
Post-training support
Travel assistance
Early bird discount $200 (60 days prior)
Surprise welcome gift

Deposit is non-refundable, but it may be transferred to a later date (within 1 year) or similar product.

We accept many payment methods: Cash, Visa/Mastercard, Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, Cryptocurrency, Bank Wire transfers. (5% convenience fee will be added to your total depending on your choice of payment method)

Interest-free payment plan available. After paying your deposit, divide the rest into 3 interest-free payments. You need to pay 50% of the total 30 days before the course begins, and 100% to receive your certification.


  • 6am Sadhana and Study

  • 8am Yoga practice

  • 9am Breakfast break

  • 10am – 1pm Class

  • 1-2pm Lunch

  • 2:30 – 4:30 Teaching practicum and observation

  • 5pm Meditation

Advanced Yoga and Ayurveda Teacher Training Dates and Locations​​

Costa Rica

June 7 - 20, 2024 (Hybrid online + in-person)

August 4 - 18, 2024 (Hybrid online + in-person)

Tamarindo is a beautiful surf beach town on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica (Central America). The weather is warm year long, with occasional showers during the rainy season.

Yoga Ashram Costa Rica is a beautiful retreat center in the mountains, close to the town and beach of Tamarindo (10 min drive or 30 min walk). Designed by Eco-conscious principles, boutique with an intimate size of participants in each retreat, it was created as a blend of East and West, offering the traditional Ashram spiritual atmosphere, with the modernized comforts and experience.

September 14 - 25, 2024 (Hybrid online + in-person)

Varaždin is a city on the Drava River, in northern Croatia. It’s known for its baroque and rococo architecture, including the 17th-century Sermage Palace, displaying Croatian and international old masters and modern paintings. Old town castle is located right in the center and is a popular tourist attraction.


Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Instructors

Matea Zajec began her yoga journey at a young age, practicing bhakti-yoga, meditation, and asana. When she was a child, she suffered from various illnesses, until her mother found Ayurveda and she was quickly cured. That turned Matea, and her mother Adriana, towards a new path, and her mother became an Ayurvedic specialist, and later a doctor. Matea assisted her mother in her healing center from a young age.

In college, Matea lived in an ashram, rising early for meditation and practicing Seva, or selfless service, while studying ancient yogic texts and theology books. She graduated with a degree in Eastern Religions and Philosophy, and has been teaching yoga history, Bhagavad-Gita and Yoga Sutras in teacher trainings for years.

After years as a yoga teacher, she founded Hari OM Yoga & Wellness, aiming to offer the beautiful teachings of yoga and Ayurveda to the world. Matea is an E-RTY 500, and holds a 200hr certification in Vinyasa yoga, a 200hr certification in Anusara Yoga (both from prominent US-based Yoga schools), 300hr certification in Hatha Yoga and Ayurveda (from Rishikesh, India yoga school). She is also an Aerial and SUP yoga teacher, Tibetan singing bowl sound healer, Ayurvedic practitioner, Jyotish Vedic astrologer, Meditation teacher and Reiki master.

Matea is the lead teacher in the 200hr Yoga & Ayurveda

Acyuta is a meditation and asana expert. He’s been practicing, researching and teaching yoga (philosophy and asana) for 15 years. He is currently pursuing the most elusive and complex vedic science: Jyotish (Vedic astrology), along with advanced topics in Ayurveda healing and Indian Martial Arts.

He is also a software engineer and marketing expert, and Hari OM yoga teacher RYT-200.

He will be offering his expertise in yoga practice, sadhana (daily routine/lifestyle), yoga philosophy, and some advanced Ayurveda topics.
